Legal Services Should Be Affordable For Everyone
Formed in 2016, Nonprofit Legal Services is one of the few nonprofit organizations available for clients who earn too much to qualify for free legal services, but also earn too little to afford a traditional private attorney. As an advocacy group, we bridge this gap in order to serve our belief that legal services should be affordable for everyone.*
Practice areas include, but are not limited to: family law, bankruptcy relief, consumer protection, and general civil litigation. We may also represent you in a non-traditional, or complex, legal matter so long as our attorneys reasonably believe they can do so competently and diligently, while at all times abiding the Rules of Professional Conduct.
To determine whether your matter can be handled by us, and at what rate we will charge for that representation, please first: print this form and this form, and follow the instructions listed in each. Upon receipt, a member of our staff will contact you for a free consultation.
For any and all inquiries or comments, contact us or email us directly to this address.
For client payments and/or tax deductible contributions, please go here.
*Nonprofit Legal Services will not turn away clients who otherwise do not qualify for low cost representation. Should your income exceed our worksheet parameters, we can and will still represent you at market rate consistent with the underlying legal issue. Thank you.